Osteopathic Techniques:

The Osteopathic Manual Practitioner uses a wide variety of gentle, direct, hands-on techniques to help restore the body to its optimum level of health. These are chosen by taking into consideration the state of the patient, their current condition, and their current level of health. Techniques used by the practitioner include the following:

Cranial-Sacral Therapy:

Cranial-sacral therapy involves working along the length of the spinal cord by focusing at the head and the pelvis in order to bring the entire body into focus. Cranial work is very gentle yet extremely effective for those suffering from whiplash and concussion injuries, stress, anxiety and depression, as well as chronic eye and ear infections, headaches, and much, much more.


The strain-counterstrain method is a variation of myofascial work that involves the practitioner locating spots of tenderness in the patient and holding this placement while the patient is moved into a very specific body position in order to alleviate their complaints. This method of treatment requires a very refined sense of touch and patience in order to find the correct position of relief. However, it is extremely effective and incredibly gentle for anyone, including those in extreme pain.

Visceral Manipulation:

Visceral manipulation works with the internal organs of the body, such as the liver, small intestines, kidneys, and uterus in order to ensure they are free of tensions and dysfunctions. This type of therapy is used to help ensure an organ is free of congestion that may be preventing it from operating at its optimal level, such as after vaccines, illness, and even in cases of constipation, blood pressure problems, and menstrual cramps. As well, it adds an additional level of care that structural and soft tissue work alone cannot provide. Visceral work brings a lot of relief to both the body and the mind.

Structural Realignment:

Structural realignment focuses on making sure the bones of the body are balanced and in sync with each other. This work helps free the nerves of the body in areas where they may be compressed from a misalignment, such as in the spine or the ribs. Due to the specific nature of this approach by the Osteopathic Manual Practitioner it is highly effective in restoring mobility and function to the body, as well as relieving pain caused by structural imbalances.

Muscle Energy:

Muscle energy is a subtle approach that uses small muscle contractions performed by the patient in order to release muscle tension and joint dysfunction. It is used when osteopathic assessment determines the cause of the problem is based on muscle tightness and aims to be specific to the muscle and the joint being affected. It is also used in cases where structural realignment is not suggested.

Myofascial Therapy:

Myofascial therapy works the strong supporting fibers surrounding every muscle, bone, organ, and nerve in the body: this is called fascia. Gentle, relaxing, and exceptionally effective, myofascial work allows deeper access to the muscles, joints and tissues of the body in order to restore proper function and healing. Often times what is considered to be muscle and joint pain stems from tightness in the fascia as it pulls throughout the body, placing tension on the muscles, bones, organs and nerves.